ATTENTION: Solid Rock is having tech. difficulties & the phone is currently down. We are working on resolving this issue.
Please email w/ any inquiries.



Solid Rock Basketball is committed to having the best basketball leagues in Oklahoma. It is our desire to bring a great experience not only to the athletes, but the coaches, spectators, and families that support and uplift young players. Solid Rock desires for all involved individuals to experience a safe, competitive, and uplifting environment. We feel that to create that environment for a quality league there should be organization, passion, enthusiasm, and an all-around positive atmosphere.  A few tactics that Solid Rock implements to ensure properly run leagues include trained officials from Unlimited Officials, four, quality full-sized maple wood courts for our athletes to play on, clock and game management teams to ensure properly tallied and executed games, and a clean facility with concession stand to add to the overall athlete and fan experience.

Additionally, we maintain these elements along with our league rules to maintain leagues that are age and skill appropriate.

Upcoming League Activities

Sports league management software powered by LeagueApps.


Please keep in mind that we partner with the Unlimited Officials for game referees. We have our own teams in leagues, tournaments, and events here at Solid Rock. Therefore, we hope you can understand that our Solid Rock Staff cannot and should not have direct influence on referees during their work. That is, we will not ‘make calls’ and sway referee decisions from the sideline during games as that is not our job nor should it be. We do believe it is our job to continue bettering Solid Rock Basketball by continuously improving on the quality of officiating. We have a good, continued relationship with Unlimited Officials and UO Management and are committed to regularly providing feedback on official performance.

We are happy to speak with COACHES that have concerns about officiating and will pass on the information to Unlimited Officials Management. Parents, players, and fans can direct their feedback on officiating directly to UO through their website here. Please keep in mind that officials are first and foremost PEOPLE. They will make mistakes just as players, coaches and even fans make mistakes. That said, we do provide feedback in order to keep officials accountable for their job performance. Thanks for your understanding!

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