ATTENTION: Solid Rock is having tech. difficulties & the phone is currently down. We are working on resolving this issue.
Please email w/ any inquiries.


Solid Rock Basketball is located at 140 W.15th St. in Edmond, OK.
This is about 1/4 mile west of Broadway Extension on 15th street. It is located on the south side of the road in between Aspen Coffee, and Dental Depot. The facility sits back off of the road.

Solid Rock Basketball is the premier facility and basketball learning experience in the Oklahoma City metro area.

We are a single, all-inclusive basketball facility that brings consistent, proven basketball training in a first-class environment. Solid Rock Basketball provides opportunities for elite training, skills academies, leagues, tournaments, camps, and court rentals. Our goal is to offer a place where kids are excited to go to for basketball year-round. Edmond, Oklahoma is home to Solid Rock Basketball and many of our employees. After many years of experience working in this community with youth athletics, we are convinced that parents and their children are as excited as we are to embrace this model. The level of parent support for their young people and their involvement in athletics as a whole is what makes Solid Rock Basketball an active successful member of the Edmond business community.  The central Edmond location of Solid Rock Basketball and its proximity to the metro interstate system allows us to be an accessible location for surrounding communities as well.


Weapons Prohibited at Solid Rock Basketball

Please note: Solid Rock Basketball (privately owned) has the right to prohibit firearms and/or weapons on our premises. Weapons of any kind including concealed or unconcealed firearms, knives, mace, blades, and tools are strictly prohibited at Solid Rock Basketball. The only exception is law enforcement or security personnel under the employment of Solid Rock Basketball in the performance of their official duties. Failure to comply with the above conditions will be denied admittance or removal. No refunds or exchanges will be allowed in such an event.

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